• Neoxen
    Academic Services

Our Mission

With Neoxen Academic Services we provide our Professional Services to our academic customers. The services are especially tailored and priced for the educational sector.

Solutions for Education

We are spcecialists in the technologies and solutions for educational institutions. Whether you need e-learning, communications or collaboration solutions, our consultants can help.

Are You a Neoxen SELECT Customer?

If you have already signed a SELECT agreement with us, congratulations! Neoxen Academic Services and Neoxen Academy are automatically available for you.

Our team - relying on the awarded Neoxen Modus Methodology - works with you to help you achieve your goals, your way.

What Do We Offer?

Do you need a proven partner to bring your educational institution to the 21st century and beyond?

We deliver the following services, spiced with educational exptertise and academic pricing:

You can contact Neoxen Sales Department directly for further details.